My Website

My name is Caroline Millet. I am a former Matchmaker, and Certified NLP and Life Coach. My coaching focus is helping people overcome dating discouragement and burnout, recharging their dating battery and arming them with a toolkit to stay in a positive mindset.

In the past 30 years I have dated, been in serious relationships, cohabitated, relocated across country for a partner (and back again), been married, become a parent, been divorced without any resources available to me except my own force of will, been dating as a single parent while going back to college and restarting my career, before finding my ideal partner, who is nothing like I would have imagined 10 years ago, and yet, magically, exactly as I would have imagined 30 years ago. I've made a lot of mistakes and learned even more, and coached clients through similar transitions to minimize their mistakes and maximize their learnings. I want to do the same for you.

Clients who are single and searching for a new way to go about looking for their ideal relationship can explore my e-course, "It's About You", or individual coaching sessions to emerge with a clarified view of their ideal partner and how to identify them so they stop wasting their time trying to make the wrong relationships work.

Clients who are recently divorced or out of a long-term relationship looking for guidance in redefining their next chapter can join individual coaching or group coaching in a program I call "Choose Your Colors" where we work to remove the patterns and thinking that are part of your past and no longer serving you, and create a clear vision for your next chapter and a path to create the life you imagine. I built a new life out of nothing (and I mean nothing), so I know you can do it, too! It comes with a community so you know you are not going about this stage of your life alone, and you can lean on others for support and feedback.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or want to book an initial consultation call to see if working together makes sense for you.